

After a wonderful Fourth of July weekend, I went back to the grindstone that is hitting the pavement. I've been fixing up my resume, cover letter, etc, and doing what I can to make the magic happen!

As you can see above, I've been kicking around on Flash. I've set it to play only once, so if you want it to replay, then you'll have to refresh the blog. I'm still learning Actionscript 3.0.

Speaking of which, I spent 4 hours(!) trying to figure out how to make the URL at the end send you to my website (www.comicartiststeve.com), but alas, not one website was helpful in getting the formula for URL linking through Actionscript work. GD. Well, still giving it a shot, but not until much later.

Today is a group show at the Black Dog Coffee and Wine Bar in Lowertown Saint Paul on Broadway and Prince. It should be quite an evening. Some of my work is going to be shown there, along with some CVA (College of Visual Arts) grads. Hope to see you there!