
ABA: Advertising By Automobile


I spent a portion of the day today throwing some vinyl letters (from Chartpak™, which we conveniently sell at Wet Paint) on my bumper. I originally put them on my rear window, but lo and behold, if I had taken the time to read a little further, I'd find out that that's illegal in Minnesota! Ah well...


I tried to use as many of the letters as I could. In a world of internet, you'd think they'd give you more than two W's. So to get around that, I used the two V's, forgetting that I need one for my name in SteVe! So then I take out the cross beam of an A, and turn it upside down. Things got a little interesting...


Not too long ago, my boss threw a potluck. I made vegetarian sushi!


Some signs I've made at work. Not as many chances to go nuts sign-wise with this sale, but still...


Last night was St. Patrick's Day, and I told this couple I'd put this picture of them up on this blog. So here it is! You guys were fun!



Number Munchers!

So here's basically what I've been puttering about with for the last two weeks or so. Number Munchers was an educational computer game that I played on the old Apple ][ in kindergarten (oh god, I feel old saying that...).

I was obsessed with this game as kid, and now, I've been playing around with a redesign, partially for kicks, partially to practice simple animation, and partially as a portfolio piece. Yes, I'm aware that there's some unnecessary feathering in "empty" boxes, I still need to clean it up for a final.

Google "Virtual Apple" if you want to play the original. It's easier if you enable the Java version. If you worked for MECC, let me know! Let me tell you personally how much this game made an impact on me!



Eat, Die, and Live!


Last week's City Pages comic- the last of the Doctor Abner comics... for now...

(for the astute, there was a little bit of animation in this post. Originally. But I've taken it down because I'm making a post that'll be more on point.)