
House cleaning the website, and Bobiam

I've been renovating my website recently, as well as attempting to figure out how to include Instagram into my routine. It occurred to me that my portfolio might look thin in terms of recent work, but realized that much of it was due to big-picture projects and ambitions. Hopefully, it won't come off poorly.

Currently, I've been preparing for Gen Con, which is nearly two weeks away from today! Above is a prop label for the LARP I'm running. Sharp-eyed individuals might recognized the Zorn Corporation logo on the bottom. I've been such a huge fan of Pangaea Station, and after getting permission for the creators (college friends Taylor Baldry, Jp Pollard, and Shea Bartel), I've written what I think could be described as a fan-fictional derivative: darker and expanded, like a Star Wars Expanded Universe fan. (which reminds me: check out Jp's podcast- it's a blast!)
I'll attempt to post photos from Gen Con a few days when I return.

Next week is my last week at Bobiam. It's been a lot of fun, and the company's going into some really, REALLY neat places. I don't think I'll be hired as a PT/FT, but I'm making myself someone to rely on for interesting perspectives and illustration…
And once again, this animation. I'm super proud of this little guy!