
Mild little update...

A major re-haul of my website has been completed. In fact, I hope your reading this post FROM the newly re-designed website! Using a template that I began, but my great friend Alison fixed, and I've continued to tweak with what I learned from days of scouring the internet, I've redone www.steverobbinsart.com, www.comicartiststeve.com, and updated www.steverobbinsgames.com.

The big motivator was vanity and clarity, as the site is more attractive, I think, and much easier to navigate. It also allows for me to link to the other sites more effectively without having a "links" page.

So this blog will now act as a sort of a regular update as to what I'm doing professionally and personally, though I'll try to keep it the former than the latter.

What am I doing professionally right this minute? I'm illustrating a singling picture for a short story. I can't display it now, but I'm pleased how it's looking right now...