
Kickstarter and other Games

I've begun preparing for a new Kickstarter to launch in November, a game called Colour Wheel. You can actually play it right now at , by downloading the Print and Play version. It's a fun little game to reinforce color theory concepts. The goal is to raise $200 to buy a developer license for mobile device app distribution (I've developing this game into an app game), with the heavily encouraged secondary goal to raise $5,000 for a physical copy run. Highly do-able.

Over this last week, I made rules for another card game, that uses standard deck of cards. Go to this site to see the rule-set. Sometime down the line, I'd want to publish a deck of cards that would go along with the theme, name, and rules, but it's not absolutely necessary, so I'll settle for a regular poker/bridge deck of cards.

I've also been making a game called King of Koi. It's a Dutch Auction game using koi fish. There's other rules to it, but so far, just the nature of a Dutch Auction has been working by itself! (a Dutch Auction starts with the highest price and goes down gradually. The winner is the first person to break and accept the price it's at! Well, that's about all that's going on so far. I've been job hunting (and my current job knows it and is fine with this, knowing when I was hired that I was actively looking for a job that better suits my education and skill set), and that's been going interestingly as I've also taken on occasional freelance. More details as they arrive! TTYL!


House cleaning the website, and Bobiam

I've been renovating my website recently, as well as attempting to figure out how to include Instagram into my routine. It occurred to me that my portfolio might look thin in terms of recent work, but realized that much of it was due to big-picture projects and ambitions. Hopefully, it won't come off poorly.

Currently, I've been preparing for Gen Con, which is nearly two weeks away from today! Above is a prop label for the LARP I'm running. Sharp-eyed individuals might recognized the Zorn Corporation logo on the bottom. I've been such a huge fan of Pangaea Station, and after getting permission for the creators (college friends Taylor Baldry, Jp Pollard, and Shea Bartel), I've written what I think could be described as a fan-fictional derivative: darker and expanded, like a Star Wars Expanded Universe fan. (which reminds me: check out Jp's podcast- it's a blast!)
I'll attempt to post photos from Gen Con a few days when I return.

Next week is my last week at Bobiam. It's been a lot of fun, and the company's going into some really, REALLY neat places. I don't think I'll be hired as a PT/FT, but I'm making myself someone to rely on for interesting perspectives and illustration…
And once again, this animation. I'm super proud of this little guy!



Bōbiam App Animation

My internship at Bōbiam is approaching its end, and the big project I've been involved in right now there is animating the sprites for the character for a mobile device game that Bōbiam is releasing later this summer. It's been a blast! Orc-Magnon is almost done. Hopefully I can put it up by the end of this month! Well, there's a lot to get done before Gen Con, which looms closer then ever before… TTYL!


New Opportunities

Howdy Hoo! It's been more than a month. So much for daily updates, huh? Well, I have some pretty good excuses:

Last month, I parted ways with Wet Paint. There's no bad blood or anything, but the time came. I spent the better part of nearly 4 and a half years there, and the biggest adjustment is no longer saying "we carry that," and instead "Wet Paint carries that." It's startling how often I slip into old habits.

But fear not! I am not unemployed! I gained part-time at Bachman Printing, just off Marquette and 7th Street, next to the IDS Tower in Downtown Minneapolis! I just finished my first week there, and it's been a fun learning curve, discovering what I need to do there, and more importantly, the production and binding side of the industry. The guys there are awesome, and more importantly...

... accommodate an internship I applied and received at Bobiam, a design and apparel company, that uses children's art as the primary elements for teeshirts, mugs, cell phone covers, and water bottles. It's pretty effing rad so far!

Bobiam's located in Uptown Minneapolis, right on Lagoon and Hennepin. It's a great environment, and an easy bus ride!

Finally, I'm getting ready for Spring Con, later in May. This little comic is part of a bigger mini-comic, one that I'm developing a simple war and tactics simulation game for. Aiming for a Vaughn Bode flavor... Well, it's late, so I'll try to get back on track this week! TTYL


The start of regular updates! (fffffaaaaaammmous laaaaaast wooooordssss...)

Hello! I'm trying to get back into regular updates from here on out. It's my goal to update at least once a week, so here's to a new leaf.

I've been working on some projects to beef up the design-side of my portfolio. Clearly, this Big Bird isn't part of it, but I think you'd all get a kick out of it, and I've got an idea for a show proposal that would use it, and that'd be pretty kick-ass if I can make it work. We shall see...

My girlfriend works with senior citizens, and asked me to do a comic for a newsletter for the community group she volunteers for. It's probably not very clear what this is about, but it relates to a big art event that takes place in the part of Minneapolis we work in.

I recently completed this personal project called the ACGL, or the American Continental Gridiron League. It's a fictional football league that existed between 1986 and 1988. The premise is that EVERY state in the union got a football team. But as you read about the teams by clicking on a map, it becomes clear why the league didn't last. It's inspired by this episode of The Dork Forest with Jackie Kashian. It's a hoot of an episode!
(Incidentally, I was on this episode. I say "right" an awful lot, and inadvertently make a creepy response about Snapchat, but I do get to talk about Trans-Humanism, so that's pretty cool. She's awesome) Well, it's late, and I've got to get back to my design. Talk to you soon!


Steve Paint

Hello Gang- I've been poor about updating this blog. I've been busy! I've been working on some projects here and there, and this picture's a not-at-all-hidden peek at what one of them is: Until next time, here's a video of the Russian Army Choir singing "Skyfall." (the delicious irony of Russians singing a Bond theme...) TTFN!