This is Citypages ad, week 2. The printing for this one was not top notch, so here it is all clean-like.
I've been deep in designing the cover for JE's ep cover. The difficulties has been wrangling opinion from 5 bandmates, plus their management. Don't get me wrong, they've been extremely helpful, and the project's been fun. But making sure all of them get the progress samples, on top of day jobs (and my part-time at J's) has been like olympic gymnastics.
(wrangling the typography)
So far, the process is almost done for the cover itself. As soon as that's done, I can go about designing the inside, cause by that point, the element style and colour are locked in.
Thursday is Mini-Comic-Con at MCAD. It'll be nice to see what the current crop is up to, and catch up with some alumni, professors, etc. I'm thinking of making a batch of Grover's Mom in book form to sell there.
(currently on my website:!)
Friday I'm going to be at Macy's in downtown Minneapolis, for Macy's World Food and Artist Marketplace. I'll be giving demonstrations on mini-comics and comics in general. Should be pretty fun! On April 10 & 17, 11:30am - 1pm.