In honor of the 20th anniversary of the Berlin Falling (a week weeks later), I present to you: Günter Schabowski!
This fellow was a figurehead for the GDR (German Democratic Republic- EAST Germany), and basically said it was okay for people on the East to cross the wall. Probably could've been a slip-up, probably could've been actual policy, either way East Germany was not able to expect help from the USSR high command. Anyhow, Mikhail Gorbachev allowed it to happen, and Ronald Reagan took the credit.
In other news, I now use Indexhibit to power my website. They don't provide server space or domain names (I use InMotion for that), but rather provide a program and language to run and arrange one's work. Add in remote editing (eliminating the need for regular FTP applications), and you've got the perfect portfolio website! Visit these guys, they're absolutely brilliant.