© Steve Robbins, 2010
We're selling screen tones at Wet Paint. I've been playing around with these things, and there's going to be something interesting connecting me and these screen tones next week. It's obsolete technology, since it's pretty easy to use Photoshop, but that's sort of the point. It's raw, real, and retro.
This one is also using screen tones. For these two pieces, I've used CB349, CB333, CB322, and CB305. It's been fun trying these out. Also? A political message that can be used ANYtime politicians try to convince us they're up for bipartisanship!
This weeks and last weeks City Pages back-pages comics.
I cannot believe I forgot to post this on this blog! I did this comic for AZIA, a neat Asian-fusion restaurant with a wide-range of saké and sushi. It's on the back cover of the program for The Brave New Workshop, an improv theatre. Senator Al Franken cut a lot of teeth there before he wrote for Saturday Night Live!