My intent with this happy fellow was that he has stolen an English soldier's uniform jacket, and augmented it with his own tribal gear.
One thing you might have noticed is that all of the Zulus (so far) have headdresses. So to make that work with the modular aspect of LEGO, and trying to keep the number of new/original pieces down, the warrior's headdresses all share a common circlet, modified with various paint-schemes and feathers. I think this one is one of my favorites so far.
I might not have a new one tomorrow; the drive back is going to be long, and I'm 98% sure I'm going to want to take a nap before going about packing for the next trip I'm going on, Portland! So, keep you eyes peeled.
I'm also considering what to do next. So far, the idea of doing a series based off the history of the USSR/CCCP would be fun: Stalin, Lenin, Trotsky, Putin (as a KGB spook), Gorbichev, Breschnev, 1984 Olympic hockey player, etc... We shall see.