I've decided to show off the cast list for a graphic adventure concept I've been developing for a while (or at least a a partial view of the cast!).
I show this off to announce that I've gotten my hands on a copy of Adobe CS4, which includes Flash. I've got some ideas of what I want to use it for, the above game concept included, but now I need to learn how to use it!
Not long ago, I finished reading The Belgariad and The Melorean series by David Eddings. Great books. My dad read them to me when I was a wee lad, and I've read them as an adult. If I have kids, I'll read these to them.
Anyway, I've thought about what a comic-book treatment would be of these books, and jotted some sketches down. I'm pleased with how Beldin came out (the one on the bottom of the left).
"Ad Boy," a book of advertising mascots, came out recently, and I'm going to write a review. Keep your eyes peeled!