I’ve finally started work on a game that was going to be a graphical adventure game. But due to technical restrictions (I am restricted by my technical not-know!), that wasn’t possible. So I’ve decided to do it as a Choose Your Own Adventure (CYOA). The reasons for this were more practical, sort of.
Since I don’t know programming, but I DO know some workable HTML, I’m writitng the whole thing as an HTML linking game. The true test is how complicated I can make it, in terms of story depth. It’s going to be complicated no matter what, but hopefully the story will hold up and keep you wanting more!
But the biggest thing holding it back (aside from the actual drawing and coloring aspect) is writing the HTML. It’s going to be quite complicated to ensure things like the following:
Hero sasses a teacher once, and is given the option to apologize. If he does, the story goes on as usual, but if he remains flippant, is sent to the principal’s office. If he survives, comes back to class. If he is rude again, and remains a sassy ass, gets sent home.
HOWEVER if the first time he’s rude and apologizes, or isn’t rude, and is rude or not apologetic the second time, he’s sent to the principal and not sent home!
Does that make sense?
The spring and summer has been punctuated by odd little freelance jobs like the above. I can’t go into details, but I’ve been given the A-Ok to show the pic!
(pic of saints board)
I did this spring. The final product is about 3 by 5 feet +/-, and is shown twice on the walls at Midway Field, where the St. Paul Saints minor league baseball plays. The blank spots were later filled with QR scans.
This week I’m going to Gen Con. The pic above is one of 36 of characters designed for a LARP I’m helping run. It takes place in the Falkenstein world, which is Steampunkish, but more fantasy-based. The steam tech is downplayed by the presence of the Faerie, draconian and dwarvish races, as well as magic, etc.
It should be quite a fun evening, and I’ll be sure to post pictures from the convention.
Moved again. That was stressful, but great for my wallet in the end- I can actually walk to work, even if it was snowy!
I’ve set up a nice office area. There’s plenty of space, and I’ve been enjoying making things here.
I’m coming up to two years at Wet Paint, but I’ve been counting Christmases there, which means I’m almost up to my third Christmas. It’s early to think about this, but I’ve been plotting what to do for my yearly Christmas card. We got some neat printing inks from Akua and Daniel Smith.
Oh! I'm taking this to Gen Con too. I'm pleased with it- it's a scene from "The Flying Sorcerers," by David Gerrold and Larry Niven. It's a great book! Look for it!
Well, it's late, and I've got a plane to catch.