This week's comic in the back page of City Pages, the Twin Cities most popular alt-weekly. Fun stuff!

My friend Heather asked me to teach her how to lino-block print, so I brought over my cutter and some linoleum, and we spent the evening working on art. This was one of the two prints I made.

I of course, have been using this Essdee Baren kit. It's pretty neat. Heather used the Speedball kit. Traditional and reliable, but doesn't include the neat baren with it!

The purpose was for her to make her valentine's day cards, so following suite, I made one of my own.

Minneapolis Institute of Art is putting on their once-every-ten-(10)-years show, called Foot In The Door. It was created to show off Minnesota Artists, and allow many to put on their resumes that they've had exhibition experience at a major metropolitan art museum. You read that first sentence right, it only happens every 10 years.

I didn't have time to take a proper scan or better photo, but this is my submission. Seeing as there's about 4500+ pieces going up this show, I figure giving you an idea of what it looks like will be helpful.