Photos courtesy of Heather Buscho, 2010
My friends Heather, Jenny, and I met up for MIA's Foot In The Door opening night. It was crazy-crowded, but worth every second. We saw lots of beautiful and wonderful art from many many Minnesotans, and dug the scene.
Detail of my piece.
Aside from materials that could rot or attract vermin, the only rule of the show was that it had to fit in "The Curator" (see picture below), a foot cubed. There were a lot of flat pieces, and a lot of sculpture, and apparently, a lot of videos and film (I didn't see the filmed parts). In total? Probably about 4800 pieces. Maybe 5000. Not sure.
"The Curator," copyright image Minneapolis Institute of Art, 2010
On through June! Got to it, goddangit!
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