I've begun preparing for a new Kickstarter to launch in November, a game called Colour Wheel. You can actually play it right now at , by downloading the Print and Play version. It's a fun little game to reinforce color theory concepts. The goal is to raise $200 to buy a developer license for mobile device app distribution (I've developing this game into an app game), with the heavily encouraged secondary goal to raise $5,000 for a physical copy run. Highly do-able.

Over this last week, I made rules for another card game, that uses standard deck of cards. Go to this site to see the rule-set. Sometime down the line, I'd want to publish a deck of cards that would go along with the theme, name, and rules, but it's not absolutely necessary, so I'll settle for a regular poker/bridge deck of cards.

I've also been making a game called King of Koi. It's a Dutch Auction game using koi fish. There's other rules to it, but so far, just the nature of a Dutch Auction has been working by itself! (a Dutch Auction starts with the highest price and goes down gradually. The winner is the first person to break and accept the price it's at! Well, that's about all that's going on so far. I've been job hunting (and my current job knows it and is fine with this, knowing when I was hired that I was actively looking for a job that better suits my education and skill set), and that's been going interestingly as I've also taken on occasional freelance. More details as they arrive! TTYL!
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